Hope. Once Starving, Shivering, Cat Finds Forever Home

Hope. A cat for adoption

UPDATE 21 November:

Best News Today!! Hope has finally been adopted. YAY!!

She has been with Oasis for well over a year and none of us could figure out why she hadn’t found her forever home a long time ago. Her new home is with a young woman who is now living on her own in an apartment with no other pets. She grew up with animals and when she left her family home found out just how much she missed having the “pitter patter” of little feet around. Hope will be the centre of attention in her new forever home and she’ll receive all the love and care she so justly deserves.


UPDATE 22 April

This little lady has been with us for almost seven months and is quite a success story for Oasis. When she originally came into care as a stray she was in such bad shape that the vet could not even vaccinate her.

It was evident that she had spent the previous winter ( 2011-2012) outside for within several months the frozen tips of her ears fell off.

We could not seem to get her to gain weight and took her to the vet several times for blood tests and examinations. All to naught for nothing unusual was unearthed.

Finally, patience paid off and Hope started to thrive. She is now a normal weight and, in fact, even verging on plump! She craves food of any kind, anytime, anywhere which harkens back to her past life. She is sweet, loving and playful. She DESERVES her own, forever home.

Adoptable cat named Hope

Original Story:

Hope was named by the Whitby City employee who found her starving, shivering and soaked in her back yard. This poor cat had obviously been without shelter or sustenance for quite a while.

There is no question that Hope had, at one point in time, been someone’s pet for she is friendly, sociable and extremely affectionate. Hope is approximately three years of age and up-to-date on her shots.

Although her foster parents have been feeding her the most nutritious diet they can find, this tiny cat is still underweight. Time, love and care will, however, change this state of affairs and Hope will emerge as the gorgeous little feline she is meant to be.


If you would like more information about adopting Hope please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:

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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region society with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293

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