Much Appreciated Donations Raised By Team At Pet Valu, Ajax, Ontario

Pet Valu Ajax Ontario donates pet food and supplies to pets in need

A special shout out is absolutely necessary for the kind customer donations gathered by manager Katherine Clark of PetValu, and her fantastic team members Kate, Savannah, Fatima, Breanna, Vanessa and Alyssa at their 65 Kingston Road East store in Ajax, Ontario.

This special PetValu team held a pet food drive in conjunction with an adoption weekend Oct 22-24, 2021. Their efforts resulted in a great supply of pet food and supplies that they have kindly donated to Oasis Animal Rescue. This terrific donation has helped feed and care for pets in need that haven’t yet found their new forever home.

We are so very grateful to this Ajax PetValu team and their customers. Thank you!

Pet Valu Ajax Ontario donates pet food and supplies to pets in need


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